News and Events

Sport and the pandemic: new forms of physical education classes

Our world is now gripped by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The number of patients is growing every day. Statistics are updated and published daily by many media outlets. The coronavirus pandemic is expected to spoil the plans of all fans of physical culture and sports.

Online lecture by the founder of "Sobirov's Law Firm" R. Sobirov

On June 12, 2020, Sobirov Rakhmadjon Rustamovich, a graduate of UWED, founder and manager of “Sobirov's Law”, delivered a lecture on the UWED online conference platform. The lecture on "New challenges and opportunities for lawyers in the era of IT and LegalTech" aroused great interest and many questions among students.

COVID-19 is not a hindrance to sports!

Currently, the world is threatened by the COVID-19 virus, which primarily affects the respiratory tract: nose, mouth, and lungs. Therefore, it is forbidden to engage in physical activity in public places (for example, a fitness center) due to the fact that there is a high probability of infection from other people who are engaged in nearby activities.

New arrivals to the UWED Information Resource Fund

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy in the education and training of future specialists is based both on scientists, experienced teachers, professionals of the highest category, a streamlined organization of the educational process, as well as on a rich information resource fund, educational and scientific literature of a new generation.

Математическая наука и инновации: новая ступень в повышении качества образования

Математика - путь к пониманию научной картины мира. Она развивает воображение, навыки рационального мышления и способы выражения мысли. Здесь невозможно скрыть ошибку так как есть четкие критерии правильности результата.