News and Events

Узбекистан на пороге независимости: 30-летие Президентского института

27 января 2020 года в научно-образовательном комплексе имени Ислама Каримова при Президенте Республики Узбекистан, состоялась церемония открытия дня рождения Первого Президента Республики Узбекистан Ислама Каримова.

Mediation Experience of Singapore

Within the framework of the established cooperation between UWED and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), on January 11-19, 2020 in accordance with the project “Creation of a Mediation center and establishment of its activities” a study trip to Singapore where participated two lectures of UWED was organized.

"Диалог цивилизаций: сохранение взаимосогласия и традиционных ценностей в период глобализации"

21 января 2020 года в Ташкенте состоялся научно-практический семинар на тему: “Диалог цивилизаций: сохранение взаимосогласия и традиционных ценностей в период глобализации”.

Videoconference at General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the ways to eliminate corruption, as well as the causes and shortcomings of the cases, related to corruption, in the system of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education

A.Abduvakhitov, Advisor of the President of Uzbekistan, U.Ismailov, Vice-Advisor of the President of Uzbekistan, A.Abdukhakimov, Vice-Prime Minister, Heads of organizations of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, as well as rectors, vice-rectors and deans of higher education institutions of Tashkent and other regions participated at this videoconferencing.