UWED and the British council became partners in the IELTS program
UWED and the British council became partners in the IELTS program
UWED and the British council became partners in the IELTS program
The representatives of the Department of Romano-Germanic Languages visited the University of Perugia, Italy
The students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy are participating in the Surabaya Cross Culture Festival
The solemn ceremony of presenting diplomas to graduates was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
The international observer emphasized the serious preparation for the electoral processes
Sodyq Safoev met with the former US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Preliminary exam procedure information for admissions to undergraduate programs at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy for the 2023–2024 academic year
University of world economy and diplomacy announces recruitment for the following positions
In pursuit of new and modern things, we do not even notice how much unused things we accumulate.
We announce the beginning of the admission of applicants to the Bachelor's degree (for passing the preliminary entrance exam) from June 15 to July 5, 2022, at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
“Xalqaro munosabatlar, jahon va mintaqa taraqqiyotining siyosiy muammolari” (siyosiy fanlar) va 07.00.05 – “Xalqaro munosabatlar va tashqi siyosat tarixi” (tarix fanlari) ixtisosliklari bo`yicha Ilmiy seminar yig`ilishi bo`lib o`tadi.
Конкурс проводится с 2018 года и за 4 года работы объединил более 1100 молодых ученых, дипломатов, представителей общественных организаций и коммерческих структур из 11 стран СНГ.
Объявлен конкурс о присуждении стипендии высококвалифицированным молодым исследователям и из стран-партнёров НАТО по программе «Партнерство во имя мира».
Turkiya Hukumati tomonidan 2022-yil uchun “Turkiya grantlari” Xalqaro talabalar va ilmiy tadqiqotchilarga Turkiya oliy taʼlim muassasalarida grant asosida tahsil olish va ilmiy tadqiqot olib borish imkoniyatini beruvchi grantlar dasturi eʼlon qilingan.
Ozarbayjon oliy taʼlim muassasalarida bakalavriat, magistratura, doktorantura va tibbiyot yoʻnalishlarida 2022-2023 oʻquv yili uchun davlat granti dasturi taʼsis etilganligi maʼlum qilingan.
This program is designed for training people who can solve various problems and issues related to sustainable development in Central Asian states.
After the reconstruction, UWED will be put up for auction of secondary building materials.
The University of World Economy and Diplomacy announces a competition for leasing a canteen located in the lobby of the academic building "B" of the university for the provision of catering services
Construction materials located at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy will be put up for auction
Put up for auction cast-iron radiators, consisting of 300 sections and 40 wooden doors (0.9 x 2.1 m).
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti bosmaxonasini kerakli asbob-uskunalar bilan jihozlash uchun tender eʼlon qiladi