20.12.2022 5228

The University of International Economics and Diplomacy announces a tender for the provision and rental of a table, located in the lobby of the academic corps "B" for the provision of public catering.
Characteristic object:
Sostoit iz 1 stolovoy (room) (54 sq.m), 1 slujebnogo memeshcheniya (13 sq.m), 1 podgotovitelnogo memeshcheniya (13 sq.m). The number of employees at the university is 400, and the number of students is 1500.

1. Soblyudenie trebovanii zakonodatelstva Respubliki Uzbekistan ob okazanii uslug obshchestvennogo pitaniya;
2. Obslujivanie ne menee 100 chelovek v den;
3. The organization trades various buffet dishes, sweets, bakery products, tea, coffee, soda, various carbonated and non-aerated beverages, which are quickly ready for the buffet;
4. Organization of coffee breaks and banquets.
5. Zaklyuchit dogovory s universitem na organizationatsiyu elektrosnabzheniya, teplosnabzheniya, horyachego i holodnogo vodosbzheniya, vyvoza otkhodov po sdavaemym ve rentu obektam;
6. The content of the rental facilities and cleanliness and order and compliance with sanitary norms and requirements for fire safety, ensuring the implementation of disinfection, deratization, disinfection and installation time;
7. Obespechenie sokhrannosti rentuemogo oborudovaniya, zdaniy i drugix materialnyx cennostey;
Priglashaem vse chastnye organizatsii i predpriyatiya, imeyushchie oyt raboty v sfere obshchestvennogo pitaniya ne menee 2-x let, podavat svoi predlozheniya do 27 dekamberya 2022 goda.

Contact person: Azamat Abidov
Phone: +998 94 642 22 25