The faculty "International Relations" was established in October 1995. The main task of the faculty is to train highly qualified personnel for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as agencies, institutions, organizations, embassies, international organizations,  which professional activities are aimed at carrying out international relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with foreign countries.

A number of professional diplomats, political analysts and highly qualified specialists who got professional education in various fields in the sphere of international relations and currently defend the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the political arena were trained at this faculty.

At the faculty "International Relations", bachelors are trained in the educational area of the bachelor's program "World Politics (by regions)", as well as masters in the specialty "International Relations and Foreign Policy"

The curriculum of the bachelor's program "World politics (by regions)" is an educational area in the format of the humanities. It incorporates theoretical and practical activities on development of the sphere of the international relations, the definition of foreign policy prospects, a complex of the means, methods, ways and methods aimed at the increase of professional skills as well competence of implementation of the assigned powers. Both theoretical and practical activities are directly connected with system of political knowledge and knowledge of history as well as the theory of the international relations, foundation of diplomacy, international relations, history, religion, languages, economy, systems of law, literature and culture of Uzbekistan and world cultural heritage.

Training of bachelors in the educational area  "World Politics (by regions)" includes such types of professional activity as mastering and researching processes connected with internal and external activity as well as analysis, synthesis and optimization of processes by the identification of prospects. It also includes application of the advanced international methods, use of system analytical models concerning processes in foreign policy, introduction of computer technologies programming and systemic related mechanisms.

The scope of the bachelor's professional activity covers the following:

The graduates of the educational area "World Politics (on Regions)" can carry out professional activity in system of the state administration bodies related to foreign policy activity in diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign countries in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ministries, the state committees, the khokimiyats (city councils) and other public institutions, the international departments, departments and divisions of institutions, the international organizations, in representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international organizations and representative offices of the international organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Opportunities to continue  education.

Bachelors who have received professional training in the educational area "World Politics (by region)" can continue their study  and gain their Master’s Degree  focusing on "International Relations and Foreign Policy" for a period of at least two years.

Besides, the bachelor has an opportunity to continue study in accordance with the established procedure as the senior scientific researcher or independent researcher.

At faculty there are the following departments:

  1. International Relations;
  2. Practical Diplomacy;
  3. Social Sciences and humanities