The department of social-humanities is created in 2005. Its function is aimed at bringing the contribution to preparation of modern experts who meet with the world standards.

The department consists of 18 professors and teachers, including: Farmonov Rakhmon Farmonovich - the doctor of historical sciences, the professor; Sultanova Etibor Siddikovna - the doctor of political sciences, the professor; Muminova Patima Izzatullaevna - the doctor of philology, the professor; Jurayev Kodir Asadovich - the doctor of political sciences, the professor, Usarova Feruza Kholmatovna- the candidate of political sciences, the associate professor. Usmanova Aziza Abdullajonovna- the candidate of physiology, the associate professor. Shamsiyeva Iroda Makhmudova- the doctor of historical sciences, the educator Abdusatorova Nargiza Baxtiyorova, and also Karabayeva Dilorom Khayriddinova- the educator. Seitov Azamat Pulatovich-the candidate of social sciences, the educator. Karimov Rakhmat Rakhmatovich- the candidate of philosophy, the associate professor Tajibayeva Lola Alisherovna-  the cadet-teacher, Abdusatarova Sitora Faxriddinova- the cadet-teacher, Rakhmatov Davlat Toirovich- the educator of  physical education, Mavlyanov Abdurakhim Abduvokhidovich- the candidate of philosophy, the associate professor. Shklyev Dimitri Alekseevich- the head educator of physical education. The Head of chair – PhD candidate in historical sciences, associate Professor Tursunova Ranokhon Yusubjanovna.

For today the chair faculty leads studies in such subjects, as: History of Uzbekistan, World history, Political science, Philosophy, Logic, Ethics and the Aesthetics, Pedagogics and psychology, Valueology, History of the international relations, Geopolitics of Uzbekistan, the International journalism, Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skill, the Standard of speech, National idea: social and economic strategy of Uzbekistan and etc., which learning is necessary for the future experts.