The University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) was established on September 23, 1992. It is functioning under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is a higher educational institution that provides training, retraining and advanced training for specialists and academic staff as well as conducts high-level fundamental and applied research in the following areas:

  • International Economics and Management;
  • International Relations and Political Science;
  • International Public and Private Law;
  • Guiding and Interpreting.

At present there are 3 Faculties:

  • International Relations;
  • International Economics and Management;
  • International Law.

15 Departments:

  • Department of "English Language";
  • Department of "Romano-Germanic languages";
  • Department of "Oriental Languages";
  • Department of "Uzbek and Russian languages";
  • Department of "International Relations";
  • Department of "Humanities and Social Sciences”;
  • Department of "World Economy";
  • Department of "World Finance and Investments";
  • Department of "Economic Theory";
  • Department of "Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies"
  • Department of “International Private Law and Civil Law Disciplines”;
  • Department of "International Public Law and State Legal Disciplines";
  • Department of "Applied Analysis of International Problems";
  • Department of "System Analysis and Management";
  • Department of "Political Science".

In the structure of the University there are:

  • Higher School of Diplomacy;
  • Center for International Economic and Political Studies;
  • Center for International Legal Studies and Comparative Public Law;
  • Academic Lyceum under the UWED;
  • Tashkent International School named after Ulugbek;
  • Pre-school educational institution "Dipnihole".

The main objectives and activities of the University:

-to provide high quality training for international specialists in the field of foreign policy and foreign economic activity of the republic, based on utilizing of advanced international experience, that includes modern innovative, educational technologies, scientific research as well as effective coordination of educational and research institutions in the country in this direction;

-to strengthen applied content of curricula and programs, practical alignment of the educational process in order to ensure students’ research work, development of students’ analytical thinking as well as critical thinking and high morality;

-to train academic staff in priority areas of international relations;

-to train highly qualified professional conference interpreters and guides to ensure high level of coordination for official events and delegations of foreign countries at the highest levels.


In Academic Year 2022-2023, the UWED enrolled 1968 students (undergraduate and graduate), including 26 foreign students from Canada, Japan, China, Korea, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan.

The Academic staff is 160 specialists, including 17 Professors, 17 Doctors of Science and 52 Candidates of Science.

The guest professors from leading educational institutions of Great Britain, Japan, Korea and Poland are full-time professors as well as the visiting lecturers from leading universities of Germany, the USA, Spain, France, Great Britain, Slovakia and other countries.

The duration of Undergraduate Program is 4 years.

Admission to the Undergraduate Program is carried out on the basis of state tests on a Foreign Language, Mathematics, History, Uzbek or Russian and Literature.

The duration of Graduate Program is one year for full-time students, and two years for part-time students.

Admission to the Graduate Program is carried out by passing written exams on the Specialty and the exam in a Foreign Language.