The list of international and national scientific and practical conferences of UWED in 2021 year

Name of the Conference

Responsible person


International conferences


Foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan in modern conditions: economics, law, politics

S.M. Adilkhadzhaeva,
Head of the department of “Theory of Law and Public Administration”

April 27, 2021


Opportunities and threats for achieving sustainable development goals in Central Asia in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

L.M. Tashpulatova,
Head of the department of “Economic Theory”

May 21, 2020


Trends in the formation of international cultural law in modern international law: actual problems of theory and practice

N. Faizullaev, S. Ikramov,
Teachers of the department of “Theory of Law and Public Administration”

June 16, 2021

Republican conferences


Prospects for the development of foreign economic activity during the period of deepening reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan: problems and solutions

Sh.O. Sharifkhojayev,
Head of the department of “International Economics”

April 6, 2021


The impact of technological innovation on the transformation of international relations: theory and practice

M.M. Bakhadirov,
Head of the department of “Practical analysis of international problems”

April 20, 2021


Central and South Asia: Current State of Regional and Interregional Relations

M.M. Bakhadirov,
Head of the Department of “Practical analysis of international problems”

May 4, 2021