The Faculty of International Economic Relations was formed on the 23rd of October in 1995. The main task of the faculty is to train highly skilled specialists for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign  Trade and other state departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan that undertake activities in foreign countries.

From the first days of its establishment the faculty of International Economic Relations has been training Bachelors of «World Economy and International Economic Relations». Magistracy in the University of World Economy and Diplomacy was established in 2000. The faculty has been teaching students to get Master’s Degree  in “World Economy” and “Foreign Economic Activities” since 2015.

Nowadays, the faculty of International Economic Relations is considered to be one of the leading faculties in training personnel in international economic disciplines in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Field of education

The Bachelor of World Economy and International Economic Relations can conduct the following professional activities within the bounds of fundamental and special internship: an attaché, a legal assistant, an inspector in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an expert in Economics in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, an international economist at joint ventures, a manager, a marketing specialist;

within the bounds of organizational and managerial activities: a specialist in securities, a dealer in financial and bank organizations, an accountant, an auditor;

within the bounds of research activities: analysis and preparation of necessary materials regarding the studies of main issues of international economic relations

Teaching methods

Learning process is accompanied by both the most effective and contemporary pedagogical technologies and traditional methods. The lessons are conducted by professors, experts and leading specialists of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Teaching methods:

  • in the learning process: a variety of debates, “professor-student” lecturing method, distance and online learning, presentations;
  • in assessment system: trilateral monitoring, module assessment;
  • by means of electronic library and resource center


Since the foundation of the faculty in bachelor’s field of the «World Economy and international economic relations» the University of World Economy and Diplomacy have released more than 1000 specialists.

Bachelor courses account for 471 students while Master’s is to be obtained by 39 students this year.

The curriculum includes the following major subjects: World Economy, International Economic Relations, International Economic Integration, Finance, International Currency and Credit Relations, International Business Strategies, Strategic Management, Marketing.

The faculty trains specialists for the following organizations:

  • government institutions conducting diplomatic and foreign economic activities;
  • international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;
  • representative offices of international financial and bank institutions;
  • companies and organizations conducting foreign trade activities.

Currently in the faculty the following departments carry out their activities: the Department of World economy and International economic relations, the Department of International trade and investments, the Department of Economic theory, the Department of Mathematic modelling and information technologies.