The department "Economic theory" (originally "Macro-microeconomics" department) of the International Economic Relations Faculty of the UWED which was formed in 1993 and immediately became one of the leading departments in the faculty. A leading scientist of Uzbekistan, Ph.D. G.K. Saidova was the first head of the department of "Economic theory",who was also running the Analytical department of the Cabinet of Ministers. In 1998 G.K. Saidova took up other work at the Ministry of economy and the Department was headed by the assistant professor, Ph.D. G.S. Toniyants. From 2013 till 2015 , the head of the Department was Ph.D. Khamdamov M.M and since 2015 till nowadays, the head of the Department is Ph.D. L.M. Tashpulatova

The objective of work of department is training high-qualified specialists with required scientific fundamental knowledge and appropriate competences, adapted to modern standards of labor develop based on principles of improvement activity programs of UWED

Since the formation in 1993 the Department has been providing the following subjects: "Economic theory" for all faculties of the university, and "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "History of Economic Thought" for the International Economic Relations faculty. Subsequently, there was a need of adoption the "Statistics" course, "Transition Economy", "Analysis of the economic policy" . The adoption National training program of Uzbekistan required extending student’s economic knowledge. In this regard, the Department has been introduced special course on "Macroeconomic analysis". In 2006, at the Department has been developed and implemented in the educational process "Human development" course jointly with the United Nations. Regularly the Department works on curriculum and programs improvement based on foreign experience. In 2015 and 2016 the fundamentally new courses "Innovative Economy" and ”Development Economy” were developed and implemented in the educational process.

Currently, the Department provides education of the following disciplines:

  • Economic Theory
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Statistics
  • History of economic thought
  • Macroeconomic analysis
  • Development Economy
  • Innovative Economy

Thanks to the professor’s efforts of the Department there were written and published textbooks on "Economic theory", "Macroeconomics", "Macroeconomic analysis". The "Macroeconomics"- textbook was allowed to publish by Ministry of High Education. The professors of the Department have prepared a number of teaching aids, guidelines for writing of the projects and dissertations for improving educational process.   

The Department also conducts active scientific research work. Teachers are actively involved in the preparation of scientific papers, including foreign publications, as well as participation in scientific conferences in national and international levels. Thus, the Department has prepared and published the Research papers on "Branding as a factor of economic growth", “Методические и прикладные аспекты макроэкономического анализа”, «Повышение качества человеческого капитала в контексте модернизации экономики и общества».

The Department runs a student’s club "Applied Economics". At the meetings of the club there are regular discussions of modern conceptions, strategies and practical economic models and policies of Uzbekistan and foreign countries. Under the guidance of professors of the Department students of International Economic Relations faculty participated in the national scientific competitions on the courses of "Microeconomics”, “Macroeconomics", “Economic Theory” and annually hold honorary prizes.

Members of the Department are actively involved in international projects such as TEMPUS, Erasmus+, UNDP, UNESCO and Government projects, such as projects of the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology. The Department maintains close scientific contacts with TSUE, Tashkent Law University, The Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Problems of Uzbekistan.

The Department orientates in improving inter-departments, inter-universities and international cooperation for organization educational process, according to international standards and intensification practical direction of educational process in training specialists of international relations, international law, international economy.