The Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations conducts its activity at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, founded in September 1992, since the creation of the program "Marketing and International Business" under the guidance of Professor Kh.M.Muradova. After the reorganization of the curriculum in 1993-1994, the program was renamed to “World Economy and International Business”, after that it was renamed to “International Economic Relations”. In 1995, on the basis of this program the Department “World Economy” was founded, which became for all time its existence the leading and profiling chair of the university. In 2008, two independent departments “World Economy” and “International Economics” were merged and named as “World Economy and International Economic Relations”.

In different periods of time the department was headed by scientists-professionals, such as doctor of economic sciences, prof. H.M. Muradova (1992-1996), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. E.R. Makhmudov (1996-1997, 2004-2008), Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. R.H. Shadiev (1997-2004), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. S.A. Zakirova (2008-2012), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. Hoshimov (2012-2015). Since January 2016, the department is headed by Dr.Sc. Sh.A. Sharifkhodjaev.

Throughout the activity of the department well-known specialists in the field of the world economy and international economic relations, such as Ph.D. V.A. Golyshev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. BA Bahritdinov, Doctor of Economics N. Sirojiddinov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. Isadjanov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, prof. G.A. Khachiev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. ON. Kasymova, Doctor of Economics, prof. Abdurashidov, Ph.D., Assoc. SAAkchurina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. N.T. Talipov and others worked in this department.

Currently, “World Economy and International Economic Relations” Department is the leading department of the “International Economic Relations” faculty. The Department provides training of qualified professionals of all levels (bachelor, master’s, doctorate). In particular, it is the issuing department of undergraduate students in specialty 5231100 - "World Economy and International Economic Relations" (by region and type of activity), the master's degree in specialties 5A231101- "World Economy" (by regions), as well as senior research associates- Researchers in the specialty 08.00.09 - "World Economy".
The goal of the department is to improve all areas of its activities (educational, educational, methodological, research, organizational, methodological, spiritual and educational and educational work) to preserve and strengthen its role as the leading chair of the university in training specialists in the field "World Economy and International economic relations ".

The aim of the Department is to improve all areas of its activities (educational, training, teaching, research, organizational, spiritual, methodological works) in order to maintain and strengthen its role as a leading Department of the university in the area of “World Economy and international economic relations”.

The courses taught in the Department in undergraduate level such as “World Economy”,  “International Economic Relations”, “International Economic Organizations”, “International Economic Integration”, “National Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Fundamentals of Business”, “Management”, “Strategic management”, “Scientific Research Methods”, in graduate level such as “Globalization of the World Economy”, “Economy of World Regions”, “Free Economic Zones”, “World Economic Systems” allow students to obtain the skills of research, methods to analyze the current trends in the global economy and international economic relations.

In the field of the organization of the educational process, we focus on interactive educational technologies, on the application of modern teaching, presentation and multimedia equipment. Seminars are actively conducted with the use of innovative teaching technologies, such as the preparation of independent research projects, presentations, the development and work on solving case studies, conducting problem discussions. The basic strategic guideline for the development of the department in the field of research work is the development of fundamental and applied research at the macro and micro level, commissioned by interested organizations, the expansion of the participation of talented young scientists in studies of contemporary problems of the world economy.

The results of activities of the department. During the functioning period the teaching staff of the department prepared 5 textbooks and 14 manuals, 12 teaching materials, released 8 PhDs, and prepared 8 monographs and over 280 scientific articles. Teachers of the department are actively participated  in international projects such as TEMPUS (Erasmus+), Jean Monnet and others, Government projects, such as projects of the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology, as well as, research projects of large private enterprises are carried out on a contract basis.