The Department of "Mathematical Modeling and Computer Science "was created in 1992 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, and operates to this day. From 1992 until 1995 it was named "Mathematics and Informatics", but from 1995 until 1998 the name was changed into "Mathematical modeling and computer science in economics". Since 1998 the Department of "Mathematical modeling and computer science in economics" was divided into two departments "Quantitative Methods in Economics" and "Computers and Information Technology." Since February 2008, the department "Quantitative Methods in Economics" and "Computers and Information Technology" have been merged into the Department of "Mathematical modeling and computer science." In this department of the Faculty of International Economic Relations students are taught subjects such as Higher Mathematics, Quantitative Methods in Economics, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Econometrics, Financial Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Information Systems, Introduction to systems analysis.

From 1992-1995 academic years the Head of the Department was professor A.S.Rasulov,  from 1995-2003 - assistant professor M.T. Bakoev, from 2003 to February 2006 - assistant professor G.Ibragimov, 2006-2013. - professor A.S.Rasulov, within 2013-2015 associate professor D.R.Akobirkhodjaeva, from 2016 to the present days professor A.S. Rasulov is in charge.

During this period, the following teachers worked in the department: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor А.S. Rasulov, Ph.D. Prof. Sattorov A., Associate Professor H. Sarimsokova, Associate Professor A. Mukhamedov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Akabirkhodjaeva DR, Associate Professor G. Raimova, Senior Teachers Umarova S., Rakhmatov M., Buryev A., Teachers Bobozhonov Zh., Saidov R., Abdujalilova G., head of the department "The theory of decision-making" at the Academy of Public Administration, Ph.D., associate professor M.T.Bakoev.

At the Department the educational-methodical issues are well-organized, in addition to teaching the teachers are engaged in the development of teaching aids. The department provides tutorials on 4 subjects studied ("Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics" - A. Rasulov authors, G. Raimova, "Quantitative Methods in Economics" - the authors A.S. Rasulov, W. Dalaboev, "Econometrics" - author H. Sarimsokova, "Informatics and Information Technologies" - author A. Sattorov). These textbooks are approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also to improve the quality of the educational process and for the application of new pedagogical and information technologies there were developed handouts on the subjects, sound slides, collections of laboratory work and test questions which all were used by students effectively. For each topic it were developed presentations that are supported by technical means. For teachers of the University special courses in computer technologies have been created. Teachers of the department created electronic versions of texts of lectures, tutorials and textbooks, which are located in the University Library.

The scientific activity of teachers of the department is in a constant spotlight. Many members of the department improved their skills abroad. It was established cooperation on international relations with universities in the United States -Florida, in Japan - Waseda and Nihon, in Malaysia -Putra, the Republic of Korea -Kim Yong and in France - Sorbonne.

At the department two circles for gifted students “Ekonometriktahlilvabiznesdabashoratqilish” and “Iqtisodchilaruchunamaliydasturlar" have been organized. Members of the group are actively involved in national and international competitions. Also the department conducted research seminars with the participation of talented students and masters.

Members of the department have successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertations: G.Raimova (2002, supervisor Rasulov), Eshkuvatov Z. (2003), D. Akabirhodjaeva (2005) and A. Ohunov (2006)  wereawarded the title of the candidate physical and mathematical sciences.

Nowadays the Department trains 4 doctoral dissertations. Under the guidance of Professor A. Rasulov at the department operates a scientific seminar on mathematical modeling of economic processes. Now the department has the following professors: Professor A.S Rasulov, assistant professor A.Muhamedov, assistant professor M.Bakoev, associate professor D.R. Akabirhodjaeva, assistant professor U. Dalaboev, senior teachers Sh.Umarova, A.Buriev, M.Rahmatov and teachers J.Bobojonov, G.Abdujalilova.

The department conducts research in collaboration with the Institute of Mathematics at the National University of Uzbekistan, the National University of Uzbekistan named after MirzoUlugbek, with the Tashkent State Economic University and Shayhontohur academic lyceums.