In accordance with modern management methods in the field of combating corruption of advanced foreign countries, one of the most important preventive tools that ensure effective operation is the introduction of the anti-corruption “compliance control” system. The concepts of “compliance” and “compliance control” mean conformity and activity in accordance with clearly defined rules, standards and instructions.
Anti-corruption “compliance-control” sector 

Anti-corruption “compliance-control” sector at the Department of Quality Control of Education of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Staff of the anti-corruption “compliance-control” sector:
Inogamov Sarvar Nigmatullaevich
Ishmuradov Bahodir Sunnatovich
Soliyev Dilshod Bakhtiyor ugli

Contact addresses: UWED A building, room 406
Telephone numbers: +998944293300 or +998909863538
Telegram bot: via @tsknb_bot of the University or @anticoredu bot of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.