The Department of International Relations has been functioning since 1997. In 2005 the head of the department was Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Azimov Dinora Sadykovna, and from 2005 to 2015 the department was headed by Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor Bakhadirov Murat Mahmudovich.  Since 2015 and currently the Department is headed by PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor Khasanov Ulugbeck Atabaevich. Department of International Relations is an academic and research center, that is primarily focused on the study of contemporary development of international relations. IR Department suggests several short and complete academic courses, such as: «Theory of International Relations», «Geopolitics», «International security», «Regional studies», «International Relations of the East», «International Relations of the West», «International Organizations», «Comparative Analysis of Political Systems», «World Politics», «International Information/Data Analysis», «Conflict studies», «Political technologies», «International Relations of Neighboring/ Border Countries» and etc. Several academic disciplines are also taught within «International Relations and Foreign Policy» branch of MA course: «Political Issues of International Systems and Global Development», «Interests of Uzbekistan in International Systems», «Regional Aspects of Contemporary International Processes».

For the period of its functioning, the department has developed strong scientific traditions in the study of international relations.Besides scientific schools, oriented on Central Asian regional security studies, there are also numerous research lines, focused on USA, EU, Russia, China, India, Afghanistan, Iran, and International Organizations. The following professors and teachers of the department take part in reading the lecture courses: Ph.D., Professor N. Tulyaganova, Ph.D., Associate Professor U. Khasanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor M.M. Bakhadirov, to Ph.D., Associate Professor B. Khuzhanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor G. Muminova, Ph.D. Z.Zaripova, Ph.D. N. Muminova, teachers: MAAbdullaev, KU Khozhayev and RB Khuramov

At the same time with the development of international contacts several visiting and adjunct professors in various years were invited to deliver lectures and pursue researches, they were: Professor Borun De (Calcutta University, India), Professor Joel (Oklahoma University, USA), Professor J.Glenn (Southampton University, USA), Emeritus Professor Aftab Kazi (John Hopkins University, USA), Emeritus Professor Brigita Hoer (Berlin University), Professor Suhash Chakravarty (India), Professor J. Bakshi (JNU, India), Professor Padma Lochan Dash (Mumbai University, India).

IR Department has created scientific collaboration with Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asian Studies Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Academy of International Studies, Xinjiang Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (Chandigarh, India), and etc.

Team of IR Department researchers is actively involved into the process of creation a number of different tutorials/readings and monographs for a «new generation». Following books were published in recent years:

  1. Азимова Д.С. Статус нейтралитета Швейцарии (в соавторстве).– Т., 2005.
  2. Азимова Д.С. Эволюция политического сотрудничества Европейского Союза и России. – Т., 2008.
  3. Бахадиров М., Рахманкулова Н., Муминова Г. Глобализация: теория и практика. – Т.: УМЭД, 2010.
  4. Туляганова Н.У. Афганский фактор в современных международных отношениях в Центральной Азии. – Т.: Фан, 2004.
  5. Туляганова Н.У. Политология асослари. (в соавторстве). – Т.: ТГИВ, 2006.
  6. Хасанов У.А. Региональная безопасность и национальные интересы (Центральноазиатский реогион). – Москва, 2004.
  7. Хасанов У.А. Введение в теорию международных отношений. – Т.: УМЭД, 2008.
  8. Xasanov U. Xalqaro munosabatlar nazariyasi. –T.: JIDU, 2014.
  9. Якубов И.Х. Международные отношения Востока. – Т.: УМЭД, 2008.
  10. Муминова Г. Политические системы стран мира (сравнительный анализ). – Т.: УМЭД, 2008.
  11. Муминова Г. Политические системы мира. –Т.:УМЭД, 2009.
  12. Muminova G. Jahon siyosiy tizimlari. –T.: JIDU, 2014.
  13. Зарипова З.А. Политическая конфликтология. – Т.: УМЭД, 2009.
  14. Zaripova Z. Konfliktologiya. –T.: JIDU, 2014.
  15. Muminova N. Xalqaro tashkilotlar. –T.: JIDU, 2014.

All the training manuals of the new generation are designed to give versatile views on international relations, to convey to the students the presentation of relevant material at the level of modern scientific knowledge.