Махалля. Ее роль в демократизации общества
Опыт государственного строительства и управления на Востоке имеет определенные особенности. Форма социально-экономической интеграции населения изменялась в ходе исторического развития.
Опыт государственного строительства и управления на Востоке имеет определенные особенности. Форма социально-экономической интеграции населения изменялась в ходе исторического развития.
В XXI веке большинство стран в приоритет ставят вопросы экологии. Увы, с развитием технологий, производства и увеличением мощностей предприятий, фабрик и заводов под угрозой оказались флора и фауна. Человечество все чаще сталкивается с экологическими катастрофами разного уровня.
On March 11 of this year, a group of students of our university studying French, took part with the teachers of the department of Romano-Germanic languages in the Fifth Festival of French-language theater and singing, held on March 11-13.
The meeting was held on March 3, 2020 with representatives of electronic library Grebennikov at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
As previously reported, great interest among the scientific community of the republic was aroused by the UWED in February of this year scientific conference on the topic: “EU Prospects after Brexit and Features of Economic Development in Eastern Europe”...
On March 14, 2020 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the international scientific-practical conference was held on the theme “Innovation potential as a condition for the development of the country's international investment activity.”
The issues of broad cooperation in the latest areas of business education, startups, holding joint forums, conferences, round tables, and exhibitions on the development of entrepreneurship among youth were discussed in detail.
On March 13, 2019, an awarding ceremony was held for expert trainers who actively participated in organizing special seminars on the topic “Preparing for the elections and organizational and legal issues of their holding”.
In the year of the development of science, education and the digital economy, the Department of Economic Theory published the monograph “Innovation in the Banking System: Global Trends and Development Prospects in Uzbekistan”, prepared by L.M. Tashpulatova G.S. Tonyantsa and R.A. Djuraeva.
On March 12, the Mirzo-Ulugbek District Criminal Court held its next circuit court hearing in the specially equipped courtroom of the Law Clinic of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.