News and Events

Happy Youth Day!

Three years ago, the day of the establishment of the Youth Union was declared Youth Day with the talk of the respected President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The president of our country expressed great hope for the youth of Uzbekistan in the debacle of the ongoing updates in the country.

Inson huquqlari sohasida taʼlimga oid muhim strategik hujjat

Joriy yilning 22-iyun kuni mamlakatimiz Prezidenti Farmoni bilan tasdiqlangan “Inson huquqlari boʻyicha Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Milliy strategiyasi” va uni amalga oshirishning “Yoʻl xaritasi” mamlakatimizda inson huquqlari va erkinliklarini hurmat qilish, unga rioya qilish hamda buzilgan huquqlarni tiklash sohasidagi davlatning muhim strategik hujjati hisob

Гендерный вопрос: как женщины становятся полноценными участниками проводимых реформ?

Право каждого человека на образование закреплено во Всеобщей декларации прав человека, принятой в 1948 году, а также во многих других международных договорах. Оно является одним из базовых принципов, заложенных в основу Повестки дня «Образование-2030» и Целей устойчивого развития.

"Public diplomacy — the way to world peace"

As part of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Shanghai Сooperation Organization, the SCO center for people's diplomacy in Uzbekistan held an essay contest among students on the theme: "Public diplomacy — the way to world peace".

Как внедряется альтернативный метод разрешения споров в Узбекистане?

Докторант кафедры «Международное частное право и гражданско-правовые дисциплины» УМЭД Рано ИСМАИЛОВА рассказывает о том, для чего нужна медиация и какова ее роль в судебно-правовой системе Узбекистана.

Newspaper published - "UWED Times"

Third-year students of the Faculty of International Relations at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy prepared and issued the next issue of the newspaper UWED Times. The newspaper is regularly published as part of the International Journalism training course under the general supervision of Professor Muminova Fatima Izutullavna.

Benefits of sports in the fight against coronavirus

The coronavirus continues to affect all aspects of our lives, but not in the best way. Sports were among the first to suffer – both football and basketball championships were postponed. But all this is not a reason to give up and be discouraged.