Flashmob for physical education
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are isolated due to the coronavirus pandemic. Among them are people of Uzbekistan who are forced to observe home quarantine.
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are isolated due to the coronavirus pandemic. Among them are people of Uzbekistan who are forced to observe home quarantine.
На сегодняшний день вспышка COVID-19 переросла в пандемию, охватившую почти все страны мира. Эпидемия коронавируса в мире уже меняет целые отрасли и модели поведения компаний и потребителей. Несёт потери малый и средний бизнес стран, затронутых вирусом.
The videoconference is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a partnership with the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UWED, TSUL, the Lawyers` Training Center as well as other scientific and academic communities of the country.
Автор: д.э.н., профессор Ибрагим Раджабович Мавланов.
Our people always remember the heroes who defended our country from invaders and fought for freedom and independence.
On 7th of May, 2020, a draughts tournament was held among students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which was held by the UWED sports club in a new format.
Столкнувшись с пандемией коронавируса, государства мира оказались в затруднительном положении. Реакция на сложившуюся ситуацию во многих точках планеты была запоздалой.
Высшая школа дипломатии при УМЭД МИД РУ предлагает программу MBA (Master of Business Administration) на 2020-2022 учебные годы.
On April 2, 2020, tournament on a push-up (boys) and squat (girls) was held among students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which was organised by the "UWED Sports club".
In May of this year, the International Internet Competition from the discipline of "Political Science" took place, in which students from different countries took a participation.