News and Events

The legal clinic at the UWED held a meeting of the visiting court

On February 27, 2020, at the Legal clinic of the UWED were held a simulation of the trial, which is the final stage of training to develop professional skills of a lawyer. The judge in the simulation of the trial was Sattarov Omon Ilhamovich, the current judge of the Mirzo-Ulugbek Interdistrict court for civil cases in Tashkent.

About the meeting with the students of the 4th course of the "International law" faculty organized by Buriev Abdumannop Abduraxmatovich, representative of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the implementation of the tasks mentioned in perspective measures for development of the University of world economy and diplomacy in 2019-2020 academic years and acquaintance of graduates of university with activities of judicial and law enforcement agencies, also for attraction them for work in this organizations the meeting was held.

В УМЭД прошел "круглый стол" на тему "Пилотирование методов оценки регуляторного воздействия актов законодательства в Узбекистане"

20 февраля 2020 года в Университете мировой экономики и дипломатии проведен "круглый стол", посвященный пилотированию методологии оценки регуляторного воздействия законопроекта "О ремесленничестве".