News and Events

Scientific research in various disciplines

On February 17, 2020 the Department of the English language of UWED invited Dr.Feruz Akobirov as a guest speaker to give students of the first and third courses an overview on conducting research and PhD related issues.

Новый облик Узбекистана - результат внешней политики Президента

С первых дней на посту главы государства Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев приоритетом во внешней политике Узбекистана обозначил укрепление дружбы, добрососедства и стратегического партнерства со странами Центральной Азии.

World Radio Day and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi

On the initiative of the Kazakh National University and UNESCO in Kazakhstan, the 7th International Winter School of Journalism and Communication dedicated to World Radio Day and the celebration of the anniversary of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi was held on February 13-15, 2020.