19.02.2020 5741

On the initiative of the Kazakh National University and UNESCO in Kazakhstan, the 7th International Winter School of Journalism and Communication dedicated to World Radio Day and the celebration of the anniversary of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi was held on February 13-15, 2020. It was called "Radio is a platform for everyone: from generating ideas to innovation." Traditionally, the venue of the Winter School was the Tau-Turan complex, located in the Ile-Alatau State National Park near Almaty.

The international forum was attended by journalists, media workers, scientists, teachers, young researchers, students, representatives of public organizations, heads of educational institutions of the republics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as foreign countries - Turkey, Afghanistan, etc. As lecturers and The speakers were also journalists from national and international media, web editors and online content editors.

At the Winter School of Journalists this year, three main areas of informational activity were highlighted: pluralism of opinions on the radio, a combination of state, private and community broadcasting studios; encouragement of participation in radio editorial offices of various social groups of society, taking into account the balance of their representation; a variety of editorial materials and types of programs, reflecting the diversity of the audience.

At the opening of the Winter School, in its plenary part, a specialist on communication and information representing the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Sergey Karpov, Dean of the Journalism Department of KazNU named after al-Farabi Sagatbek Medeubek, Dean of the Journalism Department of Kazha Bayram University from Turkey Zakir Avshar, political observer for TOLOnews TV Abu Muslim Shirzad from Afghanistan, scientists from Kazakhstan, associate professor Gulnar Asanbaeva, professor of UMED from Uzbekistan Fatima Muminova (with report hell-presentation “Structural changes and interactivity of Uzbek broadcasting”), associate professor from KNU named after J. Balasagyn of Kyrgyzstan Aita Sultanaliev, expert from Nazarbayev University Petr Lapo, etc.

The three days of the forum were full of interesting, interactive presentations by journalists, radio hosts, online interviewers, media communicators, podcast participants, and other media professionals. The dialogue platform was accompanied by a connection to Internet services and communication with practicing radio journalists from abroad. Zarina Buenbaeva, Muhammadali Bukharbaev, Nazira Kaimova and others actively participated in this. The presentation of the book of the Afghan warrior Yerzhan Sultanbaev, who passed away in 2019, was also attended at the same event. The collection contains his journalistic works, articles, notes, information, essays. In memory of the warrior, a figurine was created with his profile, symbolically for courage in journalism, it was awarded to the best young journalists who distinguished themselves in their work, including student-designer from Karakalpakstan Z. Ketibaev.

In the evening hours of rest, cultural and sporting events, weightlifting, tug-of-war competitions, a poetry competition for muso-literary scholars, concert programs, and the performance of songs and music on folk instruments were organized. High school students of the republican boarding school for gifted children named after Abai pleased everyone with their excellent knowledge of Kazakh history, the performance of poems and poems dedicated to the bright personalities of national culture, science and literature. Al-Farabi, Abay, Alisher Navoi and Amir Temur, Chingiz Aitmatov and Tleubergen Jumamuratov - all these names were mentioned more than once in the speeches of readers and lovers of poetry. The Winter School in Tau-Turan ended with the presentation of diplomas, certificates and diplomas.

Fatima Muminova,
professor of UWED