News and Events

Любить и ценить каждый миг

Неумолимо отсчитывает годы время. Вот и 75-я победная весна. Праздник Победы, завоеванной единством народов, в том числе народом Узбекистана. Узбекистан был тылом, откуда отправлялись на фронт боеприпасы, медикаменты, фрукты, овощи, даже деньги, что собирали по семьям с одной целью: все для фронта, для победы.

Online lecture with the head of the department of ADPS

April 28, 2020, the Head of the department of the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD, Otabek Khasanov conducted an online lecture on the topic "Efficiency in the civil service" for the students of International Law Faculty.

Online education at UWED

In the faculty "International Relations" of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy launched the process of online education.

Doing physical exercises during the pandemic

The topic of coronavirus completely captured the key mass media, became the main topic in private and public conversations between people. Unfortunately, this primarily affected the sphere of sports.