News and Events

Online meeting with representatives of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belgium

April 22, 2020 at 16:00 on the online platform of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy website an online meeting was held between professors, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as doctoral students and university applicants with representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Kingdom of Belgium.

Measures against the spread of coronavirus

Due to measures against the spread of "coronavirus", students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, faculty of International relations continue their studies remotely staying at home.

Continuation of the Challenge “Stay home”

The students of the International Relations Faculty are active in all matters. Presently in quarantine, they are constantly in virtual contact, not only submitting the tasks of teachers in various subjects, but also keeping in touch with each other, to show how effectively they are trying to spend their free time.

Chess tournament in a new online format

From April 18 to April 19, 2020, a chess tournament was held among students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which was held by the UWED sports club in a new format.

Stay home and work on yourself

According to the 5 important initiatives of the President on educating the young, students of the International Relations faculty, in full compliance with the quarantine requirements, are improving their skills in 5 initiatives under the motto "Stay home and work on yourself".

18-я пандемия в истории человечества

Эпидемии и пандемии - частые и знакомые для науки явления. Происходили в разные эпохи вне зависимости от социально-экономического положения стран. Пандемия коронавируса, охватившая сегодня весь мир, - не исключение.