26.06.2020 3480

Executive Director of the Tourism Research Center Ms. Nakamoto Kazuye and Professor Ms. Nagatomo Ayako represented the Wakayama University in the video conference. From the UWED were attended by M.Bakoev – First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, S.Saidkasymov – Vice-Rector for International Relations, M.Hamdamov – Dean of the faculty of “International Economics and Management”, Sh.Urunbaev – Dean of the faculty of “International Law”, H.Gafurova – Head of the Department of “Oriental Languages”, A.Mukhitdinov – Head of the Department of International cooperation, R.Ernazarov – Head of the Department of Science.

It was especially noted that a new impetus to further intensify the scientific and educational ties between the UWED and Japanese universities was given by the successful visit of the President of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev to Japan.

The issues of the early signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the UWED and Wakayama University were discussed.

An agreement was reached on organizing from September 2020 online lectures in the areas of “Japanese language” and “Modern Japanese society (culture, history, literature, art)” in Japanese and English, and conducting joint online scientific conferences and seminars with the participation of young researchers, master students and doctoral students of two universities, as well as the implementation of joint scientific research and publication of their results. It was decided to pay attention to topics such as methodology and methods of organizing scientific-research activities of students and master students.

The practical issues of organizing a course of lectures on the problems of international tourism, developing the tourism potential of Uzbekistan using Japan's vast experience in this field on the basis of the newly organized Analytical Center for Scientific Research of Japan UWED were examined in detail.

An active participation in the conduct of this on-line meeting was taken by the graduate of the UWED, now Executive Director of the Representative Office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan E.Elmurodov. The parties agreed to hold similar meetings of the leadership of Wakayama University and the UWED on a regular basis to quickly resolve practical issues of developing bilateral cooperation.

For reference: In the photo, President of Wakayama University prof. Ito Chihiro, Lumbidi Kupanhy – Vice President of Wakayama University, Nakamoto Kazu – Vice Director of the Center for Tourism Research, Murano Misato – Research Fellow of the Center for Tourism Research, E. Elmurodov - Executive Director of the Representative Office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan.

In February 2020 a business visit was made to the UWED by a delegation of Wakayama University led by President prof. Ito Chihiro.