News and Events

Elections-2019 in the eyes of the student youth

On the basis of the priorities for the ideology of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and its program objectives, a meeting was held on the topic “Elections-2019 in the eyes of the student youth”.

Active preparations for Elections-2019

«Active preparations for Elections-2019» – was a motto of a meeting for the 1st and 2nd year students of “Political technologies” held at the International press centre of the Central election commission (CEC) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Youth, peace and security in Central Asia

Aziza Isroilova, an active 2nd year student of the faculty of International Relations, was recommended to participate in the Central Asian Youth Exchange event on the theme “Youth, Peace and Security in Central Asia” which took place on October 28-31 in Dushanbe.