Active preparations for Elections-2019
05.11.2019 6579
«Active preparations for Elections-2019» – was a motto of a meeting for the 1st and 2nd year students of “Political technologies” held at the International press centre of the Central election commission (CEC) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The CEC staff informed the audience about detailed preparations for the parliamentary and local elections planned for December 22, 2019.
For the first time, the elections will be held in accordance with the new Election code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Around 21 million voters, including 2 million debutant young people, are going to cast votes for their candidates.
CEC experts have also shared their experiences in nuanced work with foreign observers arriving in our country for the upcoming political event.
Following the meeting, the students gave interviews for state and private TV channels, in which they tried to express their civil positions. Interestingly, the interviews were held in English, French and Korean.
The students admitted that this interactive meeting gave them an excellent motivation for taking part in the propaganda of the culture of elections and political literacy among people.