Japan Culture Day at UWED
11.11.2019 6797
The UWED held a traditional annual event dedicated to the cultural and social life of Japan.
The event was organized by the Department of "Oriental Languages" UWED.
The event was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Uzbekistan, Mr. Fujiyama Yoshinori, Third Secretary, Mr. Matsumoto Konsuke, and other employees of the Embassy of Japan. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was represented by Mr. Mizuno.
The event began with a poetic tournament for students of the UWED studying Japanese. They presented to the audience author’s poems written in the form of Japanese versification. The Ambassador of Japan warmly thanked the participants of the competition and especially noted the performance of Dildora Zakirova (3 year, MO), Kamila Kuncheraeva (3 year, MEM), Nozima Akbarova (3 year, MEM) and presented the winners with souvenirs provided by the Embassy of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Representative Office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan. Memorable gifts from the Japanese ambassador were also received by the best students studying Japanese.
The UWED regularly holds mass student events that promote the development of intercultural communication skills and the expansion of international contacts. JICA volunteers take an active part in them. For example, the organization of a master class in Japanese calligraphy aroused great interest, in which everyone could participate. At the end, the young participants of the event offered all those present their original preparations from traditional Japanese cuisine.
November 6, 2019