Uzbek language day at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A large-scale celebration of the day of the Uzbek language on October 21, 2019 was also held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
A large-scale celebration of the day of the Uzbek language on October 21, 2019 was also held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
In UWED, a meeting was held on with the President of the National University of Defense of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Lee Seok Gu.
The Ambassador of Japan, Mr. Fujiyama Yoshinori, visited the UWED with a working visit. Mr. Ambassador was accompanied by the third secretary of the embassy Matsumoto Konsuke, as well as the attache of the embassy Tsutaki Kuriya.
Делегация УМЭД в лице проректора по учебной части Бакоева М.Т. и проректора по международным связям Саидкасымова С.С., а также сотрудников университета прибыла в Московский государственный институт международных отношений (МГИМО) для участия в ХII Конвенте РАМИ.
Congratulations from our graduates studying abroad in honour of the day of our native language.
Graduates of the UWED - 2019 Aigerim Kistaubaeva, Dilshod Soliev, Sitorakhon Tursunboeva became the winners of the open competition held at the UWED, especially for training at the Diplomatic Academy.
19 октября 2019 года в Университете мировой экономики и дипломатии состоялся мастер-класс от основателей таких брендов, как «Decos», «Deli», «Offise market» с братьями Хасан и Хусан Мамасаидовыми, на тему «Факторы победы и поражения.
In honor of the start of the “Aral Marathon”, a gala-concert was held on October 17 in IBC “Tashkent City” support by Ecological Party of Uzbekistan.
The II International Almaty Forum for the Rapprochement of Eurasian Cultures was held in Kazakhstan on the topic: “Enlightened Islam and the Renaissance: from Farab, Baghdad and Cordoba through European monasteries to a culture of knowledge”.
On October 19, 2019, a visiting curatorial lesson of the assistant professor of the Department of Economic Theory R.A. Djuraeva was held with third-year students of the faculty of IEM of groups 0-5a-17, 0-6a-17 and 0-7a-17.