News and Events

Visit of the Algerian Ambassador to the UWED

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to Uzbekistan H.E. Naser Busherit visited the UWED with a working visit. He was accompanied by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Embassy of Algeria, Officer for Organizational and Financial Affairs Faisal Salim Bokhtash and First Counselor Fudil Hebib.

A republican scientific and practical conference was held on the topic "Prospects for the development of foreign economic activity during the period of deepening reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan: problems and solutions"

On April 6, the University of World economy and diplomacy was hold on scientific and practical conference on the theme “Prospects for the development of foreign economic activity during the period of deepening reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan: problems and solutions”.

The lecture cycle of the Korean professor has begun

At the University of world economy and diplomacy, on the initiative of the Department of Oriental Languages, an online lecture was held for students of the Korean specialist in the history of Uzbek-Korean relations Lim Seun.

Negotiations were held with the Pakistan Diplomatic Academy

On April 1, Vice-Rector for International relations of the University of world economy and diplomacy Saidmukhtor Saidkasimov held an online meeting with the Director General of the Diplomatic Academy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Ahmad Mirzo.