News and Events

Organized a workshop on the subject "Economic procedural law"

A master class was organized by the Department of Private international law and Civil law disciplines of the UWED in cooperation with the Tashkent city Court on the topic “Securing a claim. Termination of the proceedings. Leaving the statement of claim without consideration” on the subject "Economic procedural law".

Israeli Ambassador visited UWED

A meeting of the leadership of the University of world economy and diplomacy with the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Uzbekistan H.E. Zehavit Ben Hillel took place. Rector Komiljon Karimov, welcoming the distinguished guest, introduced her in detail to the structure, educational and research activities of the UWED.

Master class on mnemonics from UWED student

On March 24, the 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Diyorbek Mamarahimov, held a master class on mnemonics.

Results of the UWED Spartakiad

On March 13 at the University of world economy and diplomacy a spartakid dedicated to the Navruz holiday started. The ceremony of awarding the winners of the Spartakiad took place on March 27.