News and Events

Students of the faculty of International Law among the winners of the Republican stage of the contest "Third Renaissance - through the eyes of youth"

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, together with the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Committee for Religious Affairs, the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, Ipoteka-Bank ATIB, and the National News Agency of Uzbekistan held the republican contest "The Third Renaissance – through the eyes of youth".

Уважаемые абитуриенты УМЭД

Начало приема документов абитуриентов в бакалавриат (для сдачи предварительного вступительного экзамена) в Университета мировой экономики и дипломатии при Министерстве иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан осуществляется с 15 июня 2021 года посредством онлайн-подачи заявления (

Achievements of UWED students

The 2nd year students of the faculty of International Relations of the University of world economy and diplomacy Ulugbek Jangchiddinov and Fazliddin Djamalov, and 2nd year student of the faculty of International law Abu Talib Giyosov, took part in the intellectual game “Zakovat” and took 3rd place.

Islom terrorni inkor etadi

Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti rektorining maslahatchisi, siyosiy fanlar doktori, professor Shuhrat Gʻoyibnazarovning “Islom terrorizmga qarshi” monografiyasi “Oʻzbekiston” NMIUda nashr etildi.

Negotiations with the Ambassador of India in UWED

Meetings with the ambassadors of foreign countries on the establishment of the Center for in-depth teaching of foreign languages, which is organized on the initiative of the head of our state at the UWED, are continuing. Today one of such meetings was held with Indian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Uzbekistan Manish Prabhat.