News and Events

Central and South Asia: new ways of cooperation

On the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, an international conference “Central and South Asia: regional interconnectedness. Challenges and Opportunities” was held in Tashkent on July 15-16.

EU-Central Asia relations: pragmatism, building resilience and connectivity

On July 14, 2021 Tashkent Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Studies and the Center for International Economic and Political Studies under the University of world economy and diplomacy jointly organized the international conference “EU-Central Asia relations: pragmatism, building resilience and connectivity”.

Для достижения устойчивого развития: структурные реформы в Новом Узбекистане набирают обороты

Страна готовится к празднованию 30-летия со дня провозглашения государственной независимости. За этот короткий отрезок времени в республике проделана масштабная работа по коренному реформированию экономики, политической и социальной сфер, изменившая мировоззрение и жизнь нашего народа и повысившая престиж страны на мировой арене.

An example of active cooperation between the mahallas and UWED

In our country, the mahalla has been a strong cultural center since ancient times, an influential body of self-government of citizens, a unique Institute of civil society. In recent years, a number of practical works have been carried out on the effective cooperation of mahallas and educational institutions.