News and Events

The Aikido show in UWED

On June 1, 2018 the university hosted the Aikido show. The guest of the event was the head of the Aikido Federation of Uzbekistan (FAA), possessor 6th Dan on Aikido Aikikai, Khalidov Rashid Bakievich.

The role of psychology in diplomacy

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy held a republican conference of students on the topic "The role and importance of psychology in the training of diplomatic personnel and their professional activities".

Awarding ceremony of “UWED Football League”

On May 26, 2018 the UWED conducted an awarding ceremony of “UWED Football League” competition. The games were held from February to May of 2018 among 17 university student teams and academic lyceums.

Winners of swimming competitions

On May 29-30, 2018 swimming competitions were held within the framework of the events of the "Student Sports Week" among higher educational institutions of Tashkent city. The team of UWED students in the overall team competition took a winning Third place, and two prize-winning First places were taken in the "Relay-race".