News and Events

About visiting of the first-year students of the faculty "International law" with a guest-lecture in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the purpose of acquaintance with the supreme legislative and representative body, his activity and a circle of powers, a role and the place in system of public authorities to students there was organized the guest-lecture called"The central public authorities in the developed countries of the world".

A memorandum was signed between UWED and general secondary schools

On April 13, a memorandum was signed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Public Education to provide practical and methodological assistance to general secondary schools, between the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, and representatives of secondary schools.

Visit to the museum

The English department of UWED organized an excursion for the first year students of International Relations to State Museum of History of Temurid's.

Meeting of the UWED students by the UzLiDeP party

Within the framework of the studied discipline "Civil Society", on the initiative of Fatima Muminova, professor of the faculty of "SGS", the first-year students of the faculty "International Economic Relations" of the UWED met with the employees of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.