News and Events

Студенты и магистранты УМЭД изучают передовой опыт МГИМО

В текущем году заметно активизировалось сотрудничество в образовательной сфере между Университетом мировой экономики и дипломатии (УМЭД) и Московским государственным институтом международных отношений (МГИМО).

Ballet art of Uzbekistan

The connection to the world of beauty always enriches and enriches a person's personality. Teachers and employees of UWED often visit of the leading theaters of the capital.

Open lecture on the topic “Contributions of Central Asian scholars to the Development of Islamic Law (Hanafi School) and Islamic Studies”

On June 11, 2018, Docent of the UNESCO Chair on International Law and Human Rights under the UWED, PhD in International Law Khaydarali Yunusov gave open lecture on the topic “Contributions of Central Asian scholars to the Development of Islamic Law (Hanafi School) and Islamic Studies” at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies of Oxford University, UK.