18.06.2018 18033

The connection to the world of beauty always enriches and enriches a person's personality. Teachers and employees of UWED often visit of the leading theaters of the capital. On 13 June, in the theater named after Alisher Navoi there was a performance of the ballet "Thousand and One Nights". The music was based on the music of the Azerbaijani composer Fikret Amirov (1922-1984).

The plot of the play is based on the Arabian tale "A Thousand and One Nights", which he narrates about King Shahrihana, who found his wife with a stranger. For this he decided cruelly to punish her and all the young women of her kingdom. Incarnate Wisdom and Beauty of Scheherazade, decides to soften the heart of the king and postpone his death through the narration of ancient tales.So, for a thousand and one nights, she narrates about various stories from the ancient Eastern folk epic.

A beautiful artistic game, high ballet performance and colorful, artistic design, the scenery of the performance had a great influence on the audience. The Uzbek ballet school, the ballet mastery of our artists is the national achievement of our culture, and it quite claims to world significance and glory.