News and Events

Уважаемые студенты УМЭД!

Объявляем о переходе студентов 1 и 2 курсов университета с 14 февраля 2022 года на традиционную (оффлайн) форму обучения, студенты 3 и 4 курсов переходят на традиционную (оффлайн) форму обучения с 21 февраля 2022 года.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy organized an essay contest among students on the theme “Love for the Motherland - the most sacred feeling” and the program "I will be a worthy shield for my homeland” on the occasion of January 14.


Universitet jamoasi Oʻzbek va rus tillari kafedrasi dotsenti Normatova Shoira Umarovnaga padari buzrukvorlari - Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi fan arbobi, Hamza nomidagi Davlat mukofoti sovrindori, filologiya fanlari doktori, professor, katta adabiyotshunos olim Umarali Normatovning vafoti bilan chuqur taʼziya va samimiy hamdardlik bildiradi.

Meeting of the rector and youth at UWED

On January 21st, First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Sodik Safayev held an online meeting with students on the topic “Systematic reform of the university based on the principle “From Action Strategy to Development Strategy”.