News and Events

УМЭД налаживает связи с канадским Университетом Карлтона

Первый заместитель председателя Сената Олий Мажлиса, ректор Университета мировой экономики и дипломатии Содик Сафоев и Посол Узбекистана Жавлон Вахабов провели онлайн-встречу с заместителем президента канадского Университета Карлтона Карен Шварц, сообщает корреспондент ИА «Дунё».

Master class from the founder of the MFaktor project

February 16 of this year in the Hall of SSM activists of the University of world economy and diplomacy a master class on the topic “Factors of success and defeat in business management and development” was held with the participation of Hasan Mamasaidov and university students.

"Meeting of two generations"

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy held a spiritual and educational event “Meeting of two generations" between Professor Mavlanov Ibrahim Radzhabovich and students in the Аssembly hall of the building 'B’ on the 14th of February of this year.