News and Events

Sixth day of UWED WEEK

One of the most unusual projects which are being held on Uwed week is Intellectual game “Sherlock”. This project attracted the students who are keenly interested in detectives and included more than 20 groups itself.

Fifth day of the UWED WEEK

Many types of sport events were organized in Uwed week. On the fifth day of Uwed week Ping-pong, swimming were held on among students.

Fifth day of the UWED WEEK

Uwed week is continuing to attract all students of Uwed with its various, interesting projects. Competition on chess and armwrestling was held with the interest and fun of students.

Fifth day of the UWED WEEK

Major talented students of UWED gathered in exhibition “Handmade”. The exhibition which was held on the fifth day of Uwedweek, attracted each student of university.

Master-class in Psychology

On November 23, in the subject "Pedagogy. Psychology "for students of the 3rd year of the faculty" International Law "a master class was held. A practical psychologist, postgraduate student of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek Gazieva Zuhra Ergashevna was invited to attend.

Fourth day of the UWED WEEK

The fourth day of “Uwedweek” started with the project which was held on Active Hall. It was debate between two groups on topic “It should the army be obligatory?”.

Fourth day of the UWED WEEK

According to the end of the contest, the video rollers of Olimjonov Dilmurod regarding educational value, Ahmedov Axtam and Obidov Olimjon for students’ life and Eldor Vohidov for free topic were considered the best ones and would be rewarded in the Fall ball.

Fourth day of the UWED WEEK

Uwed week is continuing with hot debates. In the fourth day of Uwed week it was organized “Big debate”. Two teams “Dominators” and “Crazy diplomats” participated in this debate which was held on topic “Is migration harmful or beneficial?”.