News and Events

Care for cultural and spiritual leisure of students

On November 9,2017, undergraduate students of the 4-th year of the faculty of the "International Law" visited the exhibition organized as part of the First International Festival of Decorative and Applied Arts at the Tashkent House of Photography.

Visit the exhibition "Made in Uzbekistan"

On November 8, masters of the first year of the faculty of "World Economy" and "Foreign Economic Activity" visited the exhibition dedicated to the economic achievements of Uzbekistan "Made in Uzbekistan" during the course of "Innovative Economy" led by Tashpulatova L.M.

Master-class from Habib Akramov

On November 4, a meeting with Khabib Akramov, a graduate of UWED (IER) and the University of East Angliya, was held at the UWED UIC. The meeting that took place in the form of a master-class was organized in the framework of "International Management" with the support of the Start-up club of UWED.

Excursions to historical places

On November 4th 2017, 3rd year students of international economic relations faculty paid a visit to “Zangi ota” memorial under guidance of group curator Abdurahmonova Mehribon.