News and Events

Success of UWED students in Start-up initiatives

The team of students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy took the third place in the project of start-up initiatives organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan in cooperation with UNDP

Mastery of pedagogical technologies

On November 28, within the framework of the subject “Pedagogical Technologies and Pedagogical Excellence”, a master class was held. It was organized among undergraduates studying in the first year.

Sixth day of UWED WEEK

Today there was the most interesting and most anticipated event of UWE D WEEK - KVN. To this extent, it was impatiently awaited that the hall was full of students.

Sixth day of UWED WEEK

Uwed week is continuing to attract students with its different projects. On the sixth day of Uwed week, it was organized IQ test to check students logical thinking.