News and Events

A guest lecture on "International Law and Natural Resources"

On December 20, 2017, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a guest lecture on "International Law and Natural Resources" delivered by Dr. Sergey Vinogradov, a world-renowned expert on international water law, professor of Moscow State University and Dundee University (United Kingdom).

Информация об учебном пособии "Внешняя политика стран СНГ", изданного в Москве

Учебное пособие "Внешняя политика стран СНГ" издано в декабре 2017г. в Москве издательством «Аспект-Пресс». Одна глава учебного пособия полностью посвящена «Внешней политике Республике Узбекистан».


At 10:30, December 20 at the room of Strategy of actions in the framework of “UWED ALUMNI MEETINGS” project it will be meeting with Tursunov Sarvar Xasanovich, the department of UN and international organizations, 3rd secretary.