The RESULTS of the contest of scientific and journalistic articles dedicated to the memory of Islam Karimov the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
18.12.2017 16158
Pursuant to contest regulation, articles were accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. Up to 5 winners were to be determined in each language direction.
Separately, in Uzbek and Russian languages 5 articles, in English - 1 article, as a whole 11 articles were accepted. As a result of the competition, 6 students became winners. You can see the list of winners below:
- Mukhlisa Yelkinovna Abdurakhmonova (2-course, International Relations) Abdurakhmonova Mukhlisa.pdf
- Islomkhon Nozimkhonovich Gafarov (5-course, International Relations) Gafarov Islomxon.pdf
- Sardorbek Abdullahugli Davronov (3-course, International Relations) Davronov Sardorbek.pdf
- Nargiza Ilkhomovna Mukhtorova (4-course, International Relations) Muxtorova Nargiza.pdf
- Zulfiya Abdumannon kizi Rakhimova (2-course, International Law) Raximova Zulfiya.pdf
- Gulasalhon Saidakramkhon kizi Saidmavlonova (2-course, International Relations) Saidmavlonova Gulasalxon.pdf