18.12.2017 16158

Pursuant to contest regulation, articles were accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. Up to 5 winners were to be determined in each language direction.

Separately, in Uzbek and Russian languages 5 articles, in English - 1 article, as a whole 11 articles were accepted. As a result of the competition, 6 students became winners. You can see the list of winners below:

  1. Mukhlisa Yelkinovna Abdurakhmonova (2-course, International Relations) Abdurakhmonova Mukhlisa.pdf
  2. Islomkhon Nozimkhonovich Gafarov (5-course, International Relations) Gafarov Islomxon.pdf
  3. Sardorbek Abdullahugli Davronov (3-course, International Relations) Davronov Sardorbek.pdf
  4. Nargiza Ilkhomovna Mukhtorova (4-course, International Relations) Muxtorova Nargiza.pdf
  5. Zulfiya Abdumannon kizi Rakhimova (2-course, International Law) Raximova Zulfiya.pdf
  6. Gulasalhon Saidakramkhon kizi Saidmavlonova (2-course, International Relations) Saidmavlonova Gulasalxon.pdf