Master class on "External labor migration: international conflict labor law in the field of private international law" was held
08.11.2017 16171
On November 8, 2017, International Law Faculty of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in cooperation with the Agency for External Labor Migration organized a special master class on legal analysis of conflicts of laws within labor law.
Leading lawyers and specialists in the sphere of international relations, such as Yu. Shakirova, A. Faiziev, B. Musaev - head of department of Tashkent State University of Law, Z. Ubaydullaev - assistant professor of "International Private and Civil Law” department, N. Rakhmankulova - assistant professor participated along with the students of International Law faculty in this master class. Extensive discussions were held during this meeting.
During their presentation speakers demonstrated special video film and analytical report to the audience.