23.11.2017 14985

The fascinating Uwedweek is going on… Another amazing event – the contest of video rollers. Not only the students of UWED, but also the students of the institute of Plekhanov and academic lyceum under UWED participated in the contest with interesting and important topics in the life of university, as well as this our society. They demonstrated various video rollers in three main topics: educational value, students’ life and free topic. In the contest participants showed their knowledge in computer graphics, their attitudes towards the urgent problems of society as well. According to the end of the contest, the video rollers of Olimjonov Dilmurod regarding educational value, Ahmedov Axtam and Obidov Olimjon for students’ life and Eldor Vohidov for free topic were considered the best ones and would be rewarded in the Fall ball.