News and Events

Acquaintance with the world culture, "Golden man" and military art

Students of the Faculty of International Relations of the UWED showed great interest in the expositions of the rich cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented in the State Museum of Art. The opening of this exhibition was timed to the state visit of the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev to Tashkent.

Master class on theme “Lawyer's Participation in Economic Legal Proceedings”

April 18, 2019 at the UWED the managing partner of one of the leading law firms in Uzbekistan “S.Verenin's Legal Group” Sergey Ivanovich Verenin and the lawyer trainee Esma Sultanovna Kurbanova organized the master class for 4-year students of the Faculty of International Law on the topic «Lawyer's Participation in Economic Legal Proceedings».

Подписано соглашение между УМЭД и Национальным информационным агентством Узбекистана

В УМЭД состоялось мероприятие, организованное кафедрой узбекского и русского языков, была организована встреча с видным публицистом, писателем, поэтом и переводчиком, генеральным директором Национального информационного агентства Узбекистана Абусаидом Кучимовым и известным журналистом Ирисматом Абдухаликовым.

Sport is the guarantee of health and healthy mind

There have been held competition in athletics among Universities of Tashkent on April 13, 2019. Jumaboev Bekzod, the student of the 1st course, International Law faculty of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, took an honourable second place.