News and Events

National pride for the representative of the UWED

1st year student of the Faculty of International relations, the leader of the UWED girls' club Ibodova Sadokat was awarded, on the recommendation of the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to represent the youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan.

УМЭД посетила делегация Пекинского университета (КНР)

30 апреля 2019 года Университет мировой экономики и дипломатии посетила делегация Института международных и стратегических исследований при Пекинском Университете под руководством заместителя директора проф. Гуань Гуйхай.

Встреча студентов УМЭД с ведущим аналитиком из ФРГ

30 апреля 2019 года в УМЭД состоялась интерактивная лекция на английском языке одного из старших научных сотрудников исследовательской группы «Восточная Европа и Евразия» Германского института международной политики и безопасности/ Фонда науки и политики (SWP) д-ра Андреа Шмитц.

The campaign “100 books for a student” continues

It is known that books occupy an important place in the development of the spiritual world of young people. The promotion of reading and the development of reading culture among young people is one of the priorities of the education system.

The festival "Week of European Languages"

From April 22 to April 26 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, on the initiative of professors and teachers of the department of "Romano-Germanic languages", the festival "Week of European Languages" was held. During this week, a number of social and cultural events were held.