"Analysis and forecasting of monetary policy based on modeling"
"Analysis and forecasting of monetary policy on the basis of modeling", the next online master class on the topic was organized.
"Analysis and forecasting of monetary policy on the basis of modeling", the next online master class on the topic was organized.
On January 14, 2022, an open lesson (master class) was held by the senior lecturer of the Department of Applied Analysis of International Problems, UWED I.A. Uvraimov, on the topic "Problems of regional security and stability of Central Asia at the present stage".
On January 14, 2022, the UN Model in a new hybrid format was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The discussions within the “Model UN” framework allowed the participants to understand how the United Nations works.
This festive online event was attended by Vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational work of the University O.Yusupzhanov, senior officer of the Department of educational work of the Tashkent military district Lieutenant Colonel E.Meliboev.
During the master class, N. Sirojiddinov told students about the World Trade Organization, its goals, basic principles, WTO member states, the Eurasian Economic Union, the WTO member states.
At this spiritual and educational event, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations A.A. Sharapov emphasized that the role of youth in the development of our country today is invaluable.
Article by a Master's student at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
Psychological online training on the topic "Increasing students' interest in obtaining knowledge".
Online psychological training on the topic of “After graduation from the university… (problems and solutions)”.
On January 6, 2022, an online meeting was held between the University of world economy and diplomacy and the Pantheon-Assas University of Paris, dedicated to discussing various areas of cooperation.