14.01.2022 1321

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the order of the rector of the University of World  Economy  and  Diplomacy of  January 13, 2022 of  the  Minister  of  Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2 of January 6,  2022  “on  full  and  thorough  preparation  for the beginning of the second half of the 2021/2022 academic year and significant winter holidays in educational institutions”,  as well as the “work plan for spiritual and educational work and youth issues in the 2021/22 academic year”, in order to ensure the implementation  of  paragraphs 19 and 45, a round table was held on the topic  “Youth is the support of the people” aimed at educating students have a sense of national pride and dignity.

At this spiritual and educational event, Associate Professor of the  Department of  International  Relations  A.A. Sharapov emphasized that the role of youth in the development of our country  today is invaluable. The report also presented the views put forward in the speeches of the President of  the  Republic of  Uzbekistan  on  youth issues. It was recognized that in the course of  the reforms carried out in our country, young people are created ample opportunities for self-expression, the choice of young people for education is increasing.