Spiritual and educational activities

"Диалог цивилизаций: сохранение взаимосогласия и традиционных ценностей в период глобализации"

21 января 2020 года в Ташкенте состоялся научно-практический семинар на тему: “Диалог цивилизаций: сохранение взаимосогласия и традиционных ценностей в период глобализации”.

Festive events were organized in connection with the 28th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day at the University of the World Economy and Diplomacy

On the 16th of January, festive events were held on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Defender of the Fatherland Day at the University of Economy and Diplomacy.

"Say 'Yes' to Friendship!"

On December 14, 2019, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted the cross-cultural event "Say 'Yes' to Friendship!". The first-year students of UWED majoring in International Relations and International Law represented 7 countries which are Russia, Georgia, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Mexico and the USA.

Visit to the “City Children's House”

On December 14, 2019, students of the Faculty of World Economy and Management at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy visited the “City Children's House” located in the Yunusabad district of Tashkent.

Feast of Poetry at UWED

On 12 December 2019 the English Chair of the UWED hosted its Annual Republican Students’ Conference. The tradition of conducting such conferences had been founded by the former UWED Training Center for Conference Interpreters(TCCI) more than 11 years ago.

Lovers of books and poetry

The Student House of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a creative evening of lovers of reading books, poems and poetic art. The initiator of this event was the Department of Social and Political Sciences.

Open championship "Что? Где? Когда?" within UWED Week

On 20th of November, 2019, as a part of «UWED Week», intellectual game «Что? Где? Когда?» was organized by socially active students. This event caused a lot of pleasant emotions not only to students from different universities but to staff of university too.