An online essay competition was held at UWED on the theme "My country is my pride"
On April 15-18, 2020, an online competition of creative works (essays) was held among students of the UWED on the theme "My country is my pride."
On April 15-18, 2020, an online competition of creative works (essays) was held among students of the UWED on the theme "My country is my pride."
Due to measures against the spread of "coronavirus", students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, faculty of International relations continue their studies remotely staying at home.
The students of the International Relations Faculty are active in all matters. Presently in quarantine, they are constantly in virtual contact, not only submitting the tasks of teachers in various subjects, but also keeping in touch with each other, to show how effectively they are trying to spend their free time.
From April 18 to April 19, 2020, a chess tournament was held among students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which was held by the UWED sports club in a new format.
According to the 2nd initiative keeping on with the challenge under the motto “Stay home and work on yourself”.
Teachers and students of our university have started new challenge which is on the process right now.
On March 11 of this year, a group of students of our university studying French, took part with the teachers of the department of Romano-Germanic languages in the Fifth Festival of French-language theater and singing, held on March 11-13.
An interesting musical program on the occasion of the spring holiday of women on March 8 pleased all those gathered in the assembly hall of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
The event was held under the motto "There are nowhere else rich history and great ancestors like in our country".
Мир Алишер Навоий нафақат миллий адабиётимиз, балки жаҳон адабиётидан ҳам муносиб ўрин эгаллаган буюк ижодкордир. Унинг номини бугун барча Гомер, Данте, Шекспир ва Сервантес сингари буюк мумтоз адиблар қаторида тилга олади.